Frequently asked questions

How long is a Sunday morning service? 
A typical service will last about 90 minutes. During that time we sing, pray, get missions and/or ministry updates, and spend time looking at Scripture.

What should I wear?  
We are not a formal church, so wear something that is comfortable for you. At FBC, you will see people wearing anything from shorts to business casual.

Will you ask me for money? 
No. We never ask guests for money or make people feel obligated to give. Regular attenders and members usually donate either online or at the offering box in the Worship Center.

What about my kids? 
We will always encourage families to worship together, and we also provide staffed areas for babies, infants, and toddlers. About halfway through the service, children from 4 years old to 5th grade are dismissed to the Kid Zone, where they continue learning about following Christ in age-appropriate environments.

What is the music like? 
The Worship Team plays a variety of music with the purpose of focusing us on God's greatness, our sinfulness, Christ as our Rescuer, and our response of gratefulness.

What is the teaching like? 
Each Sunday, we look at either a portion of Scripture or selected passages of Scripture to gain a deeper understanding of God, ourselves, Christ, and the world.

Do I need to bring a Bible? 
We use the Bible during the Worship Service. Some people bring a physical Bible, while others use a digital Bible. If you or someone you know needs a Bible, we have plenty in each row of chairs. Feel free to use and take home one of ours at no cost.

What is the leadership culture at FBC? 
We have a loyal team of Elders and a dedicated team of Deacons at FBC who like and respect each other, trust each other, and partner together for the sake of the Gospel. You can find out more about the Elder Team by clicking here and more about the Deacon Team by clicking here.

What denomination is FBC?  
We are a nondenominational church, and we value relationships and partnerships with other local churches.

What does FBC believe? 
You can look at our Core Beliefs by clicking here, and we have a Comprehensive Doctrinal statement here.