Dawn Demery
Behind the scenes, Dawn makes sure the office runs smoothly, tackles innumerable tasks for ministries, and ensures the highest financial integrity happens at FBC.

Cindy Harvell
Nursery/Todder Coordinator
Little people are highly valued at FBC, and Cindy spearheads all the volunteer efforts, prepares rooms, and oversees the direction of the nursery and toddler areas.

Carlos Iglesias
Worship Leader
When not traveling around the country or spending time with family, Carlos is praying through songs for collective worship, connecting with the Worship Team, and cultivating his heart for the Lord.

Meghan Lane
Learning Center Coordinator
The spiritual development in elementary-aged children is a huge motivator for Meghan as she oversees curriculum, teacher training, and communication with families.

Brad Neese
Senior Pastor
In addition to cheering for Notre Dame or the Chicago Cubs with his family, Brad oversees the spiritual direction of FBC along with the Elder Team, is the primary teacher, and helps align ministry focus.